Abzug Cosmos Crumbling Summary

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Robert H. Abzug theme of Cosmos Crumbling “explores the religious roots of reform and argues for the crucial importance of cosmological thinking to its creation.” These reforms occurred primarily as political and social actions during the first forty years of the nineteenth century. Abzug describes the new millennial age of reformers who “apply religious imagination and passion to issues that most Americans considered worldly” by eliminating the evils of society before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. The main evils facing society, alcohol abuse, the lack of observance of the Sabbath, church ministry and education, slavery, individual health, and woman’s rights. Abzug primary focus is on the actual reformers, their history before and during the reform movement of discussion. Abzug divides his book in three sections: Part One: Foundation of the Reform Cosmology, Part Two: Evangelical Reform, and Part Three: Radical Transformation. In part one …show more content…

“A symbol of sin against Godly order” became a theme in Abzug discussion of the evangelical reform and the reformers who became the key participants. Often the evangelical reformers became too radical developing conflicts with the church. For example, in the temperance movement Reverend J. Edwards wanted to declare wage war “not on the drunkard but on those who countenanced the practice of moderate drinking and who engaged in the production and distribution of strong drink.” Ultimately the reform movements led to societies, than to pledges to abstain. Abzug presents a caution citing one critic against pledges, Reverend Leonard Withington: “He (Withington) feared that for every social evil there might be a pledge, and that soon the Ten Commandments itself would be “surrounded with human pledges.” Commandments would no longer be kept because of love of God but rather because of fear of

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