Abuse Of Power In Macbeth

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The play Macbeth has its many conflicts with the supernatural and many recurring themes. Only when the main character, Macbeth, starts desiring something which cannot be acquired without grave and horrible actions is when we start seeing the conflict with the supernatural where outside forces, in this case the Witches, influence his future where he is perhaps thinking that it's his fate to become what the Witches allude to. The struggle with the supernatural isn't the only conflict Macbeth has but we also start seeing other representations of struggles. Some can be summed up as minor but it plays a big role in how the story progresses and how it develops into where Macbeth and Lady Macbeth become a representation of great evil versus perhaps Malcolm and …show more content…

Even then the theme of Power has its way in all of this play, power is the force that absolutely drives every decision made by every character in the play. The search for power and finding the way to hold that power drives everyone in the play to great evil or deadly endings. In Act 1, scene 3 when Macbeth is traveling with Banquo they are greeted on their way by the three witches, the supernatural beings that foresee the future and begin the murderous acts later committed by Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. When the first Witch speaks to Macbeth with his original title, “All hail, Macbeth! Hail thee, thane of Glaims!”; subsequently after the second Witch speaks and says something that not only confuses but also surprises Macbeth: “All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, thane of Cawdor!”. He yet does not know about his promotion which King Duncan has already granted because of his valor in battle. So when the second Witch mentions this he is already interested. But the climax of this scene is where the third of the supernatural beings (Witches) speaks and engages him in a great future letting him know he is to become King. “All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter!” When the third of the witches

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