Abuse Of Hope In Shawshank Redemption

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The Film Shawshank Redemption, directed by Frank Darabont is a story which involves many different personalities and hidden themes. The personalities of Red and Andy are very interesting , when the two inmates are combined they form a very appealing plot which looks at prison life in a more interesting and appealing than one another normally thinks. The theme I will be introducing in this essay is the abuse of power and hope. Hope is a feeling of trust , a feeling of expectation and ambition for a certain thing to happen at tough times at times of trouble there is hope. Hope is shown and felt throughout the whole entire film, Andy is the most affected by hope , he is always motivating Red to believe to hope one day he will be released from shawshank prison. Hope helps us get through the next day, it supports us to find happiness. Hope is what drives Andy to gain his freedom, for him, freedom is the final product of determined hope and freedom. The scene where Andy and Red are sitting at a table at lunch talking amongst the rest of the inmates about hope , Andy states “ there's something inside that they can't get to,something they can't touch , it's yours hope”. I believe hope is a key factor in not only the film but in general life also it supports …show more content…

The scene when Shawshank Warden Norton demanded that Tommy had been taken outside for a private meeting with the Warden. There awaits a gunman upon the tower fingers ready to fire down on Tommy. Warden says “ I need your help son, if i am going to move on this there can not be at least not one shred of doubt” the shots have fired Tommy is dead on the ground for agreeing to support Andy in court for his innocents. My opinion is that people should be using their power to create a future not to kill the

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