Abuse In Kambili's Purple Hibiscus

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In Purple Hibiscus, Kambili’s first major incident of abuse is caused by her eating cereal. Her father’s eventual death is a result of poison in his tea. Amaka and Kambili’s best and worst moments both happen while they are cooking together. What do all these things have in common? They all share the theme of food. Adichie is clearly using food as a marker, or a symbol of important events, to indicate passages that further the plot of the story. The relationships between Kambili, Amaka, Papa, Jaja, and Mama all change in scenes that involve food. The first, and possibly most clear example of food marking a change in the relationship between characters is Amaka and Kambili cooking. The day after Kambili and Jaja arrive in Nsukka, Kambili helps Aunty Ifeoma and Amaka cook. For the past day and a half, Amaka has been teasing Kambili about how rich she is, saying things like, “I’m sure back home you flush every hour just to keep the water fresh”. While they are cooking Amaka continues showing this attitude when Kambili does not know how to peel yams correctly, and she suggests they add a yam peeling class to her schedule. This event exemplifies the Contempt that Amaka holds for Kambili because she has lived a wealthy lifestyle since she was a …show more content…

A central interaction between Kambili and Papa that involves food is when Kambili eats cereal ten minutes before mass. Her period has started, and she has medicine that helps with the cramps, but it needs to be taken with food. Papa is infuriated by this, considering it to be an affront to god, saying, “Has the devil asked you all to run errands for him?”. Papa unbuckled his belt slowly, and beats his entire family. In this moment, Adichie uses food to set up, even cause, an incident of abuse that begins to show the true colors of

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