Absolutely True Diary Of A Part-Time Indian

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In the novel “The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian”, the protagonist, Junior, undergoes many life-changing events. He has to leave the reservation he lives on, and go to a mostly white school. Over time, he makes friends and goes through different school functions, and deals with problems that arise at home, as well as school. In the end, he undergoes a lot of loss, but overall ends with a hopeful look to the future. Many of the challenges he goes through require hard work. Before these events, Junior has had it mostly easy, in the sense that he has led a consistent life. However, Junior’s personality is completely changed, as he experiences new and unforeseen aspects of life and the opportunities that can come with them. Overall, Junior settles into who he is, hopeful. …show more content…

When the curtain of the story initially rises, we meet Junior. Junior is academically smart but lacking street smarts. Yet, there is something that sets him apart: Junior has hope. There are plenty of smart individuals living on the reservation, but they don’t have the hope. They simply live in a multigenerational cycle of poverty and violence. Junior, however, does not want his future to look like this. Regardless, he lives in a place where he is constantly put down. This is so apparent, that Mr. P, Junior’s teacher, says, “‘All these kids have given up,’ he said. All your friends. All the bullies. And their mothers and fathers have given up, too. And their grandparents gave up, and their grandparents before them. And me and every other teacher here. We’re all defeated’” (Alexie 42). So many people on the reservation, surrounding Junior, have no hope. They are content living the lives they are now and are not willing to face the hard

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