Abraham Lincoln's Purpose Of The Gettysburg Address

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It was in between the years of 1861 and 1865 when one of the most famous, but deadliest wars in the United States happened, the Civil War. During this time Abraham Lincoln, which was the U.S. president at that given time, gave a speech known today as "The Gettysburg Address". It is also recognized as one of the most influential and best-known speeches in American History. One purpose of this speech was to honor the fallen ones, the people that died at Gettysburg and have sacrificed their lives for the sake of the country. Today we'll talk about that, the honoring of the deceased, and how the tone and parallel structure helped us analyzed that. Lincoln's purpose of the speech was to honor the dead soldiers who had fought for equality, freedom, and national unity. This can be seen in, "...that we here highly …show more content…

It was then in paragraph 3 when things got more sentimental and he started reminding the public of those who have fought and lost their lives. We can see this when he starts saying, "The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it far above our power to add or detract." This tells us how the men who have fought at Gettysburg, whether they are alive or not, have already done more than enough for the people. Therefore, we can't take away or even add more meaning to a ground that has been scared enough. Also, he says, "...great task remaining before us, that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they here gave the last full measure of devotion..." This indicates that as a way to honor the dead, we should continue to fight. And the phrase "last full measure of devotion" refers to the fact that these people have given up the most important thing they had, which was their lives. This gave the audience a melancholic feeling that it's still remembered or seen

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