About Napoleon Bonaparte

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About Napoleon Bonaparte Napoleon Bonaparte is one of the most written-about figures in history, yet "it is impossible to say what Napoleon might have done. People even have different opinions about what he actually did do"[1]. Napoleon was a powerful and influential leader from his moments in the French civil war to his years as a political leader. His accomplishments are many, and his position as one of the great leaders of the ancient world is questionable because of his controversial military campaigns. He brought glory to France but he also brought shame. His courage, zeal, ego, and charisma make him a unique leader that all others are compared to. Because of those characteristics his power in action was unprecedented and his voice in parliament was well heard. Napoleon's life would include over sixty battles with many successes and few failures. His time spent in war would lead him to politics and eventually the throne of France. His time before death would be spent in exile, and his story would be left for the pages of History. Napoleon was born on August 15, 1769 to a Corsican nobleman and his wife. In spite of there being numerous differences between France and Corsica, Napoleon's father received a job working with the French government. In 1778, Napoleon joined the Military School at Brienne. It was then that his military career began and it was noticeable that he had many leadership skills. Later, in 1778 he was invited to be part of the artillery core at the military school in Paris. It was obvious that he was progressing quickly as "his examination results in one year were so good that he jumped the lower grades a... ... middle of paper ... ...r, Napoleon and the French Empire p.9 [5]Felix Markham, Napoleon p.42 [6] David Sylvester, Napoleon and the French Empire p.15 [7] David Sylvester, Napoleon and the French Empire p.36 [8] David Sylvester, Napoleon and the French Empire p.44 [9] David Sylvester, Napoleon and the French Empire p.88 [10] David Sylvester, Napoleon and the French Empire p.57 [11] M. Dale Davis, Civilizations in History p.386 [12] Will & Ariel Durant, The age of Napoleon p.249 [13] Vincent Cronin, Napoleon p.195 [14] www.napoleonseries.org/faq/code.cfm, FAQs: The Code Napoleon [15] David Sylvester, Napoleon and the French Empire p.29 [16] Will & Ariel Durant, The age of Napoleon p.250 [17] Vincent Cronin, Napoleon p.225 [18] www.cyber-nation.com/victory/quotations/authors/quotes_bonaparte_napoleon.html

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