Abortion: Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice

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Abortion is never an easy decision, but women have been making the choice for thousands of years. It has become a large dilemma since 1973, when the U.S. Supreme Court passed a law making the procedure legal, and an even larger controversial issue. The controversy is divided into “Pro-Choice” and Pro-Life” views. Pro-Choice supporters believe that the woman should have to choice whether to abort or not. Pro-Life supporters believe that it should be illegal to abort and preformed. However, there are many ways for this procedure to be performed. Abortion still remains today a controversial issue, by who should determine if it is the right thing to terminate a pregnancy or not and by how the procedure should be preformed.

In 1973, a law was passed making the procedure of abortion legal. In 1969 Norma L. McCorvey discovered she was pregnant. Her friends advised her to assert that she had been raped, because in Texas she could not obtain a legal abortion but her scheme failed because there was no police report documenting the alleged rape. Attorneys Linda Coffee and Sarah Wedding...

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