A Threat to State’s Sovereignty

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Introduction There are many ways in defining the idea of state sovereignty, which in essence is the ability of the state to provide protection to its people . The protection in this term is a broad meanings that nclude protection from foreign intervention and crimes, which is unsuccessful to give protection will cause state failure. Organized crime as one of the global phenomenon might be one of the state threat to its sovereignty due to it’s complex of nature and the influence to nearly all areas of the country such as the economy, politics and security sectors, and in turn it also may threaten the stability of some particular countries . This article will discuss the effects of organized crime to the state sovereignty. Overall, this article argues that organized crime has significant threat to state sovereignty especially on its three main sectors namely the economic sector, politics and security. To summarize, this paper will begin by explaining the definition of the state sovereignty and then the economic effect, the potential threat to politics and security sectors that are caused by organized crime. In addition, the conclusion of this essay will provide some recommendations and further research that should be done that may cover the limitation of the article. Definition 377W The theories of state and its sovereignty have made borders security become important to be taken care of than any other issues. A successful country will be the one who can prevent or keep its borders save from intervention or invasion from other countries. This sovereignty definition that associated with invasion or intervention from other states is not a new phenomenon and in reality it is still applicable because one of states sovereignty c... ... middle of paper ... ...alysis, 35 (6), 8. Lansing, Robert (Tenth Annual Meeting), 'A Definition of Soveregnty ', Proceedings of the American Political Science Association, 10, 16. Marine, Frank J. (2006), 'The effects of organized crime on legitimate businesses', Journal of Financial Crime, 13 (2), 21. Police, Royal Canadian Mounted (2013), 'What is Organized Crime?', , accessed 27 November. Sabrina Adamoli, Andrea Di Nicola, Ernesto U. Savona and Paola Zoffi 'Organised Crime Around the World', , accessed. Smith, Robert (2009), 'Understanding entrepreneurial behaviour in organized criminals', Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, 3 (3), 13. UNODC (2013), 'Organized Crime', , accessed 27 November.

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