A Study of WaterFall, a Software Development Model

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A Study of WaterFall, a Software Development Model

According to en.wikipedia.org Waterfall “is a software development

model first proposed in 1970 by w.w. Royce, in which development is

seen as flowing steadily through the phase of requirements analysis,

design, implementation, testing, (validation), integration, and

maintenance”. Waterfall method is the first published model of a

software development process (1970). The basic principle is that the

different processes (Analysis, Design, Coding, and Testing) are done

sequentially. Output from one process is input to the next.

Waterfall method advantages like simple, easy to understand and work

with. Waterfall creates very detailed intermediate documentation

after each process. In general it is difficult to find situations

where the Waterfall method is especially suitable. For the method to

work the requirements have to be basically written in stone. It is

never recommendable for any Graphical User Interface work.

Iterative, Spiral and Agile

According to web definition iterative design is the integration of the

four steps in a traditional systems development process namely

analysis, design, construction and implementation, which are combined

into a single step that is repeated iteratively. Spiral design is a

systems development method (SDM) used in information technology (IT).

This model of development combines the features of the prototyping

model and the waterfall model and agile process is methods are

software development methodologies espoused by the Agile Alliance, a

nonprofit organization. These methods were developed with the

understanding that software is difficult t...

... middle of paper ...

... implementation, scrum significantly increases productivity and reduces

time to benefits while facilitating adaptive, empirical systems


Agile Development Method for my Organization IT

Agile represents a number of lightweight methodologies including DSDM,

Extreme Programming (XP) and Scrum. They follow principles from

established management science focusing on the value creation,

effective delivery of valuable software, offer delegation and

empowerment and encourage a hands-off management style.

For my organization I will introduce Scrum which is one the

lightweight and a good management tool.


Jones, Capers. 1994. Assessment and Control of Software Risks.




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