Waterfall Methodology for Hardware Design Projects

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The waterfall methodology was first published by Winston W. Royce in 1970 as a sequential type of development process, and has been widely followed by many organizations in the IT industry. The waterfall methodology originally invented to build large-scale software systems, at that time most of software developer are working on multi-year projects and designed software for large computer systems that evolved relatively slowly. To develop large-scale software systems that involve by many developer, there is a need for a base programming paradigm or model that represent the whole project. The waterfall methodology was modeled according to hardware design projects that has been used for years which allow engineers to predict how pieces of a system would interact (Royce, 1970). The waterfall methodology flows in a downward fashion, similar to the way water flows downwards, take developers from the high-level initial requirements gathering through the system testing and product shipment. The waterfall methodology create blueprints or plans for the optimal process for software developme...

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