A Stolen Life Sparknotes

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Jaycee’s full name was Jaycee Lee Dugard and she grew up close to Lake Tahoe, California (editors). Jaycee lived a pretty normal childhood until, doing things normal children did, until one day her life was stolen (editors). This project is going to tell her story the way she wrote it in her book, A Stolen Life. It will also have information from her childhood times, before the kidnapping as well as her life after she got her life back. Most of the information in this paper will come directly from the book previously mentioned. Jaycee was eleven years old when she was kidnaped (Dugard). The very graphical situations Jaycee went through in her time growing up will be portrayed in this paper as well. This paper is directly focused on the life …show more content…

As the time in her life progresses the emotions and instances Jaycee lived through on a daily basis will become very detailed and surreal. Her kidnapping lasted for 18 years (Dugard). She lived a secret life for many years that she eventually had to get used to. Through Jaycees life she had many things to keep her company such as children and cats (Dugard). Jaycee Lee Dugard points out many significant events throughout her kidnapping in her book. Body of Paper Jaycee Lee Dugard was born in California on May 3, 1980 (Dugard). She lived quite the childhood. She rode the bus every day to school, she had lots of friends, and she adored everything about her mother, as most of us do. Her eleventh birthday way May 3, 1991, about a month after her eleventh birthday, in June of 1991 Jaycee Lee Dugard’s life would change forever (Dugard). Jaycee woke up that morning believing everything would be normal so she got ready and started heading to the bus stop so she would not be late. While walking to the bus stop Jaycee began to zone out of her thought’s and suddenly felt something hit her (Dugard). A man by the name of Phillip used a stun gun …show more content…

She explicitly stated “I feel like I am being stretched apart…. Is this normal? I am so small and he is so big” (Dugard). During this chapter she explains how this man tried to bride her at first with a milkshake but would not allow her to have it until he was done raping her. In the next part of the book she talks about the “runs” Phillip went on. These runs are where he would stay up all night doing drugs and watching porn then end it with once again raping Jaycee (Dugard). Throughout the book this man rapes her a lot; he had a major sex problem. During this time of captivity Jaycee did not go to school nor have any friends. She portrays the idea that she lived a pretty wonderful life even though she was kidnaped and was abused in many ways. Easter Sunday in 1994 Jaycee found out she was pregnant by Phillip (Dugard). Jaycee seemed to know she was pregnant and seemed as if she loved the baby already and she was quite excited to be having a baby although she was scared (Dugard). Keeping in mind Jaycee is still very young probably between age 13 and 15. Her body is not fully developed to have a child of her own because a child cannot grow in a underdeveloped body. When Jaycee went to give birth

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