The Role Of Motherhood In The Victorian Era

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In the Victorian Era motherhood was something that was idealized. A social responsibility that was once such a private matter was now something to be learned. Society had their expectations on how your children should be raised and how they should behave. During this era it was the mother’s duty to raise their children and it was the father’s duty to provide for the family. Mothers who had to work for living were labelled as irresponsible and neglectful. Meanwhile the fathers who worked all the time and really had nothing to do with their children were applauded because they were “providing” for their family. Infant death was also believed that it could be avoided if poor mother’s breast fed their babies and were taught better baby care. During that time fatherhood held an ambiguous position. Being a father showed your commitment to your home and family. A man with no children had no reason to have good work ethic because he had no one to pass on the family name …show more content…

Being wealthy always seems to have its perks they can afford nanny’s to take of their children and just be there to interact with them without having to do all the hard parts. Middle class mothers were thought to be the most experienced of mothers because they spent the most time with their children, breast fed their babies, played with the children and gave them their education. Poor mother’s had to work just in order to survive and be able to support their children, even if that meant working two or three jobs and not having a lot of time for their children. Wealthy father’s gave their children large and lavish gifts and paid for them to get out of any trouble they may have gotten themselves into. Middle class fathers looked upon gift giving as ones financial abilities because they faced job insecurities and business failures. Poor fathers had to work in order to provide for their

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