A Separate Peace: Movie Analysis

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In the movie, A Separate Peace based on the novel by John Knowles, Gene is angrier in the film depicting himself to have intentionally inflicted damage to Finny, verses being portrayed as a better person in the novel with more of a conscience. The film distorts Genes image making him a bad guy that intentionally hurts Finny. In the novel the author portrayed Gene as more complex. Gene didn’t mean to push Finny off the branch it was an impulse, oppose to a malicious act depicted in the movie. In one of the scenes Gene visits Finny at the hospital to talk about Finnys fall at the tree. Finny understands Gene jounced the limb was not deliberate. Finny says “ It was just some kind of blind impulse you had in the tree… something just seized you. it wasn’t anything you really felt against me, it wasn’t some kind of hate you felt all along”(191). Gene not only feels remorse but talks with Finny about it which shows he has a conceans. This shows that their friendship is genuine and that Gene isn’t the mean person shown in the movie. People have moments that they regret doing and they wish they could undo, but sometimes these actions can be reversed by feeling remorse. “No, I don’t know how to show you, how can I show you, Finny? Tell me how to show you. It was just some ignorance inside me, some …show more content…

The movie twists Gene into being seen as a person that is full of anger and hate. The actor that plays Gene acts tough and angry and when the movie slows down the action of pushing Finny out of the tree makes Finny's fall look intentional. In the novel, Also it is very clear in the movie that Gene does not feel bad about doing this. Gene only visits Finny once and never apologizes. There can be big differences between written words in a novel and what is shown in a film. The movie version of A Separate Peace was inferior to the novel in many ways, but especially in its depiction of pushing Finny off of the

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