A Rhetorical Analysis Of Reading Academic Texts By Karen Rosenberg

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Karen Rosenberg’s goal is to provide students who have trouble reading academic texts with a successful method to reading and comprehending these texts assigned to them in school; and understand that it is very important to talk to other people about academic texts.. Rosenberg states she is specifically writing this for readers who are confounded and put to sleep by academic assignments.
Rosenberg first suggests that the academic reader joins in on the conversation. Her first way to go about this is by rhetorical reading. The reader should analyze the relationship between the author, the reader, and the text. After briefly discussing rhetorical reading the author gives a couple of strategies of doing so. The first rhetorical reading strategy …show more content…

She calls this process studying the architecture of the article. For obvious reasons the first piece of architecture she says to survey is the title. The title can tell the reader how to read the rest of the article more efficiently. The second piece of architecture is an in-depth summary that precedes the article is called the abstract. Rosenberg goes into detail about this component and how it can do a number of things from addressing the main problem to why people should care. After talking about the abstract, Rosenberg talks about the introduction. This section of the chapter serves little purpose considering the introduction serves the same purpose as the abstracts, but tells what the rest of the academic text will comprise of. After this rosenberg suggests looking over section headings which serve the same purpose as the title, but for a particular part of the academic text. The final step to studying the architecture of the article is to look at the conclusion. She suggests that because the conclusion is generally a summed up rephrasing of everything you just read, that it might help the reader if they are still a bit

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