A Rhetorical Analysis Of 'Bernie-Splaining'

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“Bernie-Splaining to Black folks” “Bernie-Splaining” is a good example of the issue “identity politics”. People see “Bernie-Splaining” as explaining to minorities how he is best for black voters. Bernie was known to march with MLK as well as encountering racial issues for his beliefs, and because he stood for African-Americans. Identity politics are how an individual’s political decisions may be shaped by aspects of their identity through loosely correlated social organizations. Although many voters are going the route of voting for Hilary because of the image she wants to look like for her voters. Many people are trying to get the African American groups of voters to vote for Bernie Sanders because of what he actually experienced for black …show more content…

People are trying to convince African Americans on what good he can do, and doors that he can open for minorities. They are also trying to prove the good that he has done in the past as well; For example marching with MLK. People have also spoke upon situations that he has went through around times of harsh racism to fight for rights of African Americans. In this passage the author had a very compassionate tone about the subject.

In this passage the writer expresses two rhetorical methods. One of these methods are the tone that the author is using in the passage. When Charles speaks about his people in the passage he uses the term “black folks”. I further learned that the author who wrote this passage is African American himself.

The writer seems to have personal experience with the issue “Bernie-Splaining. I believe he happens to be part of the group of “black folks” that received explanations on why Bernie would make a good president; mainly because he fits African American necessities. Charles seems fed up while i listen to his “tone” throughout the whole

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