A Rhetorical Analysis Essay On Sidetracked

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Sidetracked is a blog written by many different individuals that have traveled all over the world. The blog provides readers with personal experiences of adventures to exotic places. The authors post photos from their adventures and also create a very descriptive article to go along with their photos. The authors go anywhere from California’s Lost Coast to South Luangwa National Park in Zambia Africa. Capturing the emotion and experiences of adventures throughout the world is an invaluable experience because when you reach your destination the views will be like nothing you have ever seen before. The authors of Sidetracked use many different methods to draw in their readers, they use visual aspects to show credibility and make a connection with the reader, they have witnesses to make the article more credible, they use various descriptive words to give the reader a vivid mental picture, and they also use pathos to relate with the viewers on an emotional level. This blog uses various different rhetoric techniques among these are the different styles of writing the articles have. In many articles, including “In Search of an Inner Silence” and “The Bigger Picture” the authors interview the travelers and tell their story. In “The Bigger Picture” there is a second and third party. In this post Brendan Leonard follows mountain sports photographers Dan …show more content…

In this article he tells the readers that “The story of any journey cannot be properly told through the golden-hour high alone. The true story of any journey includes drudgery.” As a viewer this made me feel this author is trustworthy. When an article only has pros it makes a reader wonder how accurate or credible it is. When the pros and cons are both examined it is believable. In order for readers to get the full experience they need to know about all aspects of the

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