A Reflection On Incident Of Sureshbhai Patel's Prejudice

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Has stereotyping at last gone too far? Since when did a solitary dark man strolling around in the area turn into an indication of criminal action? Since when did a lady from the Middle East wearing dark covering turn into an indication of terrorist movement? The reality of the matter is that this nation needs to stress over the security and wellbeing of its citizens, yet does this give it the power to do whatever they need? In the article "Prejudice: A Reflection on Incident of Sureshbhai Patel" by Richa Gandhi, it has a standout amongst the most depressing samples of oppression ever. It talks about how on Thursday, February 12, 2015, a senior from India was whipped to the ground as a result of going out for a stroll around his neighborhood. …show more content…

Now after the 911 terrorist attacks, the nation was pretty badly scarred, and many citizens didn't want to do anything but get revenge on the ones who committed this terrible act. On the Tuesday of September 9th, 2015, Inderjit Singh Mukker, a Sikh American inhabitant in the Darien suburb of Chicago, was violently attacked after the attacker pulled up to his car shouting racial slurs, including, "Terrorist, retreat to your nation, Bin Laden". It was on his way to the grocery store that Mr. Mukker was seriously insulted and harassed. Mr. Mukker pulled over onto Cass Avenue, on an attempt to let the driver pass, but was instead stopped on the middle of the road, and was forced to suffer many blows to his face. The punches made him lose consciousness, bleed heavily, and suffer a broken cheekbone. Although the suspect is in custody, this incident left a mark on Mr. Mukker, and maybe even the state of Illinois that it will never …show more content…

Prejudice is a premature judgment, a positive or negative attitude towards a person or group of people. Based on beliefs and not facts, it can affect a person’s emotions and behavior, often leading to discrimination. This is what happened to Patel and Mukker. Wasn't it because of the definition of "all black people bringing criminal activity" that Mr. Patel was tackled viciously to the floor? And wasn't it because of the preconception of "a Sikh man wearing a turban is a terrorist" that poor Mr. Mukker received the many blows to his face? Many people come to this country to escape from unjustness from their countries. So do we, as citizens of this country, set a positive example in America by showing even more racism and unlawfulness? While in the hospital Mr. Inderjit Mukker says "No American should be afraid to practice their faith in our country,” said the victim, Mr. Mukker. “I’m thankful for the swift response of authorities to apprehend the individual, but without this being fully investigated as a hate crime, we risk ignoring the horrific pattern of intolerance, abuse, and violence that Sikhs and other minority communities in this country continue to face" I'm sure that both Mr. Mukker and Mr. Patel helped this country learn a valuable lesson about misjudgment, unfairness, and

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