A New Hope In Star Wars

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Star wars

Star wars is an epic saga creatd by George lucas in 1977 as a science fiction adventure. Originally set as a trigilogy, beginnign with A New Hope,the Star Wars franchise has expanded over the decades to include 6 more films. A new hope is considererd by many to be the best of the saga, not only for the groundbreaking special effects and technology used, but also because it laid the groundwork for the philosohy of star wars.
In A New Hope, the story centers upon a chosen one, Luke Skywalker. Who at a young age, has been wacthed over and cared for by an old sage Obi-Wan Kenobi. The importance of Obi-Wan is that of a mentor to Luke who teaches Luke about the Force, an all encompassing power in the Universe. Obi-Wan teaches Luke that …show more content…

Like all things in the Star Wars Universe there is an emphasis on good versus evil. The “light” side of the Force can be used to help others and create harmony within the planets. However, if a Jedi, a “light” side practictioner of the Force follows evil temptations, the Force can be used as a tool for destruction. A famous quote by Yoda in The Phantom Menace to young Luke is, “fear is the path to the dark side…fear leads to anger…anger leads to hate…hate leads to suffering.” Fear to the Jedi is a source of evil which can turn one to the darkside. The correlation to the Bible is massive considering Chrsitian scripture says that love can cast out fear and speaks of the negative power of fear. Both the Bible and Star Wars relay the message that fear can keep us from being one with the Force, in other words, a healty spiritual life.
Life after death according to Star Wars canon can can vary by nature. One belief is perceptive Force wielders and everyone else after death become one with the Force, while veteran practitioners and masters of the Force may become an almost ghost like Force spirit that gives guidance to those who seek it. The difference between this and Christianity is that all beings in the Star Wars Universe become one with the Force after death while, in Christianity salvation and being reuntied with the creator can only come to believers and those with

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