A Narrative Of The Captivity Mary Rowlandson Essay

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Even though Rowlandson’s character is visibly troubled by the problems she went through in her story, A Narrative of The Captivity, her character shows strength, courage, and perseverance. Rowlandson’s character has been through so much; she lost her five-year-old child, was separated from her children, and even starved; through all of this, she still finds a way to pull through. Throughout her journey, she has been through hard times of loss and sacrifice. Lots of people have lost their family members, many others have been separated due to war or famine. Today, people still go through similar struggles and have to sacrifice certain things to make it in life. This story is something that people in the modern world can somewhat relate too. Much like the “hidden agenda” too often seen in captivity narratives such as Rowlandson’s, modern-day politics uses the pathos appeal to get sympathy and/or support from the viewer.
In Rowlandson’s piece, “Narrative of the Captivity ,” the …show more content…

One major symbol is the bible..This symbols her faith in god. Her god gave her reasons and special senses when she was in distressed times. No matter how many difficult times she went through, her god was always there. Other symbols found in Rowlandson’s piece that represent something else are when the Indians gave her food. This symbolizes that they wanted to make her feel comfortable and unafraid. The last symbol was her dead child. It symbolizes her compassion and love for her children. “I cannot but take notice, how at another time I could not bear to be in the room where any dead person was, but now the case is changed; I must and could lie down by my dead baby, side by side all the night after.” (38). One way the article relates to Rowlandson's story is that people are still getting taken away from their homes today. An example of this is child trafficking in China, which is still happening to this

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