A Longer School year or Not?

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Kids from all over the country here in the U.S are waiting for the day they can finally get out for summer vacation. But during the summer vacation most of the information learned while in school goes down the drain. The question is: Is a longer school year beneficial to students? Some People think that a long school year will be a constructive way to get more students grades up. According to The National Summer Learning Association that states that “Students’ test scores are higher in the same subjects in the beginning of the summer than at the end.” I as a student agree with this because I tend to improve all my grades when school is about to end. When I’m about to enter school again I realize that I lost so much information during the break because during my summer break I did not try to review things and I threw all my papers away. I think this is the reason why my grades can be hard to maintain because of the time I wasted during the summer. Charles Ballinger, executive director emeritus of the National Association for the Year-Round School in San Diego, said “ The only ones who don’t lose are the upper 10 to 15 percent of the student body. Those tend to be gifted, college-bound, they’re natural learners who will learn wherever they are”. I am not in any high leveled class but I do know some people who are and they always tell stories of how their parents pressure them not only to do well in school, but they make them go to extra classes to ensure that they don’t stop learning. So I do believe that the higher leveled students are the ones who don’t lose when it comes to learning because they are learning anywhere they go even when they are not in school. With this being said a longer school year would be beneficial to other s...

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...lvement therefore me and other students should not go to school longer because we have parental involvement when it comes to education. Finally the last reason why schools should go year long is because summer camps, hotel operators and other summer-specific industries could lose money. These programs are so popular. Kids have a different and fun experience when they go to summer camp, stay at a hotel when traveling with family. These programs earn most of their money during the summer. A longer school year would decrease the population of kids and families who go to these places during the summer. School should not be year long. Kids worked for at least 8 months in school and can be so stressful. Kids deserve their long summer break to relax and spend quality time with family.

Works Cited

The Huffington Post
Longer School year: Will It Help Or Hurt U.S Students?

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