A Little Tooth Poem

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In the story “A Little Tooth”, Enjambment can be used to surprise readers by delaying the meaning of a line until the following line is read. Very few writers have utilized this technique to transport funny effects to their labor. Enjambment is good to use in verse in order to create a sense of natural motion. In poetry and in this poem, the role of enjambment is usually to let an idea communicate on beyond the restrictions of a single line. Another purpose of enjambment is to continue a rhythm that is stronger than a permanent end-stop, wherein complicated ideas are expressed in multiple lines. Those lines usually do not have a punctuation mark at the end. Normally it runs on the thought from one line to the other without the last punctuation. It also assists readers to continue thinking about the idea, however is expressed in one line then continues to the next. …show more content…

As they grow they are being fed by the bottle that feeds them with out any problems at all. They continue to grow and there is one tooth the one we all are looking for because they are teething every day, which they cry and get very upset and cranky. Like I stated, they are growing their teeth one by one, they’re chomping and gumming with that one tooth on every piece of the smallest food item that we give them. Your baby has grown a tooth, then two, and four, and five and so on. Now they are tired of the soft food that we thought was too hard for them to eat, now they have enough to say they are wanting some meat directly from that chicken bone. It’s all over, no more baby food or milk

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