A Literary Analysis Of The Raven By Edgar Allan Poe

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It is said that "The Raven" is cursed, because after he published it his wife died, and he died after her two years later for unknown reasons. What's frightening is that the raven tells a similar story to that of Poe's, it was about a man who mourns the death of his beloved (From my books surcease of sorrow—sorrow for the lost Lenore—For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore—). It is pretty ironic and tragical that his most successful poem predicted his wife's death and marked the end of his life. "The Raven" begins with the narrator who sits in his empty house in a cold night in December reading "forgotten lore" to forget the loss of his beloved Lenore. A "rapping at his chamber door", when he goes to investigate, a raven flies into his chamber. …show more content…

The raven's answer is "Nevermore" ("Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night's plutonian shore! Quoth the Raven "Nevermore."). He was surprised it can talk. This is why at this moment I started to realize and comprehend what the narrator was thinking or imagining, I believed that the raven was real but once the raven entered and he stared asking the raven questions and talking to it that's when I started saying he was imagining that the raven can talk and that the only word the raven knew was "Nevermore". Once the narrator asked the raven if he will be reunited with Lenore in Heaven and the raven answered "Nevermore" this is when I realized that the author was imaging what the raven was saying because he was in a hard situation and every time he asked the raven something, it made it harder for him because he would he stress every time the raven repeated the same word. So he shrieks and demands the raven to

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