A Life Beyond Do What You Love Analysis

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The decision between doing what you love and doing what provides. According to expert Gordon Marino, author of “A Life Beyond ‘Do What You Love’”, is it ethical to do what you love, rather than doing what is necessary? When making decisions about work, or doing something that is to the heart’s desire, one must think of family and friends’ first. In the article “A Life Beyond ‘Do What You Love,” Gordon argues that sometimes it is not always right to do what you love, that sometimes people have to do the things that are necessary to provide for their family. If someone was to have a family of five people, that person would not go and quit his or her job to play cards just because it is something they like, there would be no money for the …show more content…

We never once went without because my mother did a job she was not fond of for years. Now that my family has gotten older and everyone has moved out my mother was able to retire from her job and open a business she dreamed of having for longer than I could imagine. Even if a person does not want to do a job because he or she is just tired of it, or it is not something they like, eventually they could do like my mother and retire and end up doing something they love. It is all a matter of time, patience is key. Looking back at the article Gordon states that “self-fulfillment requires being able to relate yourself to something higher than the self,” what I gathered from that information is that, to be happy, first you have to do what is right; if you do not provide for your family then no one else will. It is not always about doing what you love, one has to look at the bigger picture and realize that you cannot always just do what you want, sometimes you have to sacrifice your own happiness for the happiness of others, even if that means working a job that is absolutely unbearable for a numerous amount of years. Doing something you cannot stand to make ends meet is not always the case either, many people go to school and get a great education, leading them to find good jobs making a lot of money, that way their family is supported and they are still doing something enjoyable. Going to school is the only way to do such things, unless your family owns a huge company and you just happen to inherent the whole thing which is unlikely. School is the only way to go when it comes to finding a job worth working for a large amount of years and finding enjoyment

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