A Letter To Stephanie Airey's Accident

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This letter is written by Jonathan Airey regarding my own loss of consortium brought on by the December 23, 2016 car accident involving Stephanie Airey. Stephanie is and always has been a loving spouse and mother to our children. The injuries she sustained on December 23, 2016 incapacitated Stephanie from that time until April 12, 2017. Stephanie’s incapacity was hugely impactful on my life and the lives of our children.
When healthy, Stephanie and I function as partners in parenting our two children, Mariah and Brooklyn, splitting the duties of care and provision as equals. Shortly after the December 23, 2016 accident, Stephanie had to use significant prescription pain management drugs to withstand the pain of her injuries. This resulted in Stephanie not being available to transport our daughters by car at all. This situation lasted from shortly after the December 23, 2016 accident until she was cleared for activity April 12, 2017. Throughout Stephanie’s incapacity, I personally transported my daughters to all of their events, appointments, practices, tournaments and the like. Mariah and Brooklyn are …show more content…

On numerous occasions, I left work transported the children and went back to work to remain into the night. On other occasions, I left work during the day to take Stephanie to doctor’s appointments or meetings with the worker’s compensation attorney we retained to pursue her injury as compensable injury. This too required that I work late or on weekends to carry my responsibilities at work. There is no doubt that I was not able to make up the short fall created by my extra parental responsibilities. In the attempt to keep up I worked tired and sick, late in the day and early in the morning. I worked on holidays that were scheduled to be days

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