A Humorous Wedding

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I wholeheartedly believe my marriage to Mr. Thomas Phan was null; However, I do not agree with Mr. Phan that our marriage was not valid according to the cannons of the Catholic Church. When we married, I was certain that our marriage based on love, trust and commitment. That was because after 2 years courting following Mr. Phan's beautiful proposal, I was never once doubted that our marriage was never anything but love.

During the 9 years and 4 months being married to Mr. Phan, I soon realized few months after our wedding that our family life was to be revolved around Mr. Phan's immediate family; our family's place was always second after his large family. All decisions regarding our family life and/or our child depended upon the approvals of Mr. Henry Phan, Thomas' father; Mrs. Hue T. Tran, his mother and his 2 sisters Thuy Phan and Kathy Bowman (the witnesses on the Petition To The Tribunal of the Diocese of Richmond), along with his other brothers. Being a wife and mother, I merely existed only on the marriage license and my thinking, feeling and saying had not impacted on any of our family's matters. I was discouraged to not associate with other Vietnamese in our parish simply …show more content…

Phan large family's overly controls weren't stopped there. I later found out that Mr. Phan had secretly replaced my name with by his father's, Mr. Henry Phan and his 2 sisters Thuy's and Kathy's names. As much as I could tolerate the mistreats, my dignity and mental stage were violated when Thomas & his family accused me of having an affair. They came up with strews of evidences which later were thrown out of court because of their fruitless and lies. Even with all the dramas, I asked Thomas to seek family counseling in an attempt to save our marriage but Thomas was not interested because it meant to disobey his family. After years of being mentally abused, I finally agreed to divorce Thomas on September 29, 2016, in Roanoke, Virginia based on the

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