A Hero's Journey Short Story

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The section that we read began in the sanctuary they discovered near the end of the previous section. They had found a massive amount of canned food, a place to sleep, some tools, and other useful items. The man took his time in creating bullets out of tree sticks to make his gun appear as if it was loaded. Additional, while they were at the bunker the man had been visited in his dream by creatures of a kind he’d never seen before. That dream made him realize that the boy himself was an alien, a being from a planet that no longer existed. After a few days of resting, the characters packaged the supplies they found into their cart, cleansed themselves in warm water and set out to continue their journey. As their journey began the walked past a burnt city. Moreover they came across an old man named …show more content…

The boy convinced his father into let the old man eat with them for the night, where they talked about ideology and the disaster that has occurred. The next morning they gave the old man some found and began travelling south again, the child however, was sad because he knew that man was going to die. On that night, the man had wwoken in the cold of dark coughing and he coughed till his chest was raw. He walked away from the camp as far as the light would take him, he knelt in the dry leaves and ash with his blanket and after a while his cough began to subside. The man had come to the conclusion that he was going to die. The day following the went through a dead town, both physically and metaphorically. Bodies of dead beings laid everywhere and the town itself has been abandoned. As they continued south they came across a train and later on a city. Scavengers had already plundered the city years ago. They managed to find a shed and slept in it for the night, but as the man woke up he saw the boy was sitting up wrapped in his blanket. The boy dreamt that he was crying and the man wouldn’t wake

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