A Fast Moving Society Analysis

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People have created this world of vast technology and are constantly striving for the thrill of a new adventure. There is thing though that people ignore when they move away and that is their family, loved ones, and a little thing called tragedy. In Perry Patetic’s argument , he states that a fast moving society has many unforeseen consequences. The author supports his argument by first describing how easy it is to move away from loved ones and forget about the past. He continues by saying that people tend to lack the close supportive relationships in past generations. The author’s purpose is to inform families that in order to sustain a strong relationship with one another they must remain relatively close by. The author describes a critical …show more content…

Some examples of this is skype, facetime, internet, cell phones, etc. are forms of technology that connect people through a phone calls, email and even talk face to face. The improvement of cars, planes and trains grant people the ability to travel long distances with ease. It also allows people to keep a better connection with their family and loved ones or for business purposes. Even though there is all this amazing technology it is used mainly as an excuse to keep connections with family and loved ones. That people say they will keep in touch but would either end up in a situation where they are either too busy or simply don’t have the money to travel. That in the statement that perry patetic makes is accurate on how our society is separating …show more content…

The reason why is that when people move to a far away place they tend to forget about their past. They still say hi to their family and come visit them whenever possible but people live in a world where every day could be their last. That people need to realize that though technology can be used in amazing ways it can also be used as this excuse to move far away. That some grandparents may not have the luxury of seeing their grandkids grow up and only see them every once in awhile only to sometimes be seen through photos or videos. A personal experience of mine is that last year I finally visited my cousins that live in texas for the very first time. It was always hard to see them because my uncle was in the military and moved around a lot because he was going through training. Even for my uncle I have only seen him once in my life for as far as I could remember. That I even have family in northern California that I have seen only a few times but when I do go and see them it always feels like there is this barrier between us. It feels like I barely know them and the only thing that really holds us together is the fact that we're family but that feeling that I don’t truly know them is horrible. The main fact that scares me the most is thought of that as each day goes on it could be our last. That this is the main point that

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