A Character Analysis Of 'Creon By Sophocles' Antigone

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Image you wanted to help out a family member but it is against the law to do so even though you believe it is right thing to do. Polyneices and Eteocles were Antigone's brothers before they passed away in a feud. Creon gave Eteocles a proper burial although he didn’t give one to his nephew Polyneices. Antigone believes that Polyneices deserves the same respect as Eteocles did in going into the afterlife. Even though Creon made the rule in whoever would burying Polyneices would be stoned to death. In Antigone by Sophocles, Antigone did do the right thing by burying her brother.
Obviously, Polyneices would have gratitude and the gods would be pleased with Antigone doing in what she believed was right. That even though Creon didn’t believe that …show more content…

“But if I had left my brother/lying in death unburied, I should have suffered./Now I do not” (70,71,72). Antigone buried her brother because she believes the gods are on her throughout the whole process. Creon wouldn’t let anyone bury him by but risking her own life Polynices will enjoy eternal life.
Most importantly for Antigone family comes first, Polynices died for what he believed was right and so that’s what Antigone is did for her own brother by burying him even though Creon wouldn’t let anyone. “But I will bury him, and if I must die,/I say that this crime is holy: I shall lie down/ With him in death, and I shall be as dear/ To him as he to me” (55,56,57,58). After burying Polyneices, Antigone can now die with a death of honor.
Even though Creon made a strict law that whoever buries Polyneices will be stoned to death, Antigone wasn’t afraid to do what she believed what right. By the gods being on her side she did what she could do to give her brother an afterlife. Without Ismene's help by her side because she listen to the civil law which was Creon’s law Antigone helped out Polyneices so she could die of a death of honor without guilt. Antigone did the right thing by burying her brother, Polyneices, and having him go into the

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