A Case for Genetically Modified Babies

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Although many people believe that babies should be born naturally, they should be born genetically modified because the modifications benefit the baby by preventing it from suffering of diseases, disabilities or birth defects.

For years babies have been born naturally with no drugs or modifications and have lived a healthy happy life, however many of those babies have suffered horrible birth defects or various diseases. Today scientists have discovered a way to prevent babies and their families from suffering these birth defects and diseases. This process is called “genetically modifying”. To many people, this discovery is something they have been wanting and waiting for, but to others this recent discovery is something unwanted and avoided.

Recent studies done by scientist have shown that by genetically modifying unborn babies, many birth defects and diseases are avoided. This process is very beneficial to many people, and no negative effects have been a result of this process. I believe that this process should be carried out and more frequently used around the world. Of course a few more tests should be done to ensure that this is what it seems but other than that, I believe that this process does nothing other than benefit babies and their families.

I can see how many people can be against it, whether its just against religious views or that people are just against the whole process as a whole. If you don’t believe in something then there is no point of doing it or promoting it. Although there hasn’t been any negative feedback or reports of this process, there is always a possibility of something going wrong and once that happens there is no going back.

Many people believe...

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...r child and for scientists to hold more experiments and tests which I’m sure many people many people have requested and are still requesting.

In conclusion to my research I have come across many positive outcomes with this process. I firmly believe that a lot more people should go through with it because not only will it positively affect a baby and its family but it will also create a better future for many. The process also helps infertile women to carry a child and give birth, which also gives the woman an life experience that she has wanted. I have discovered nothing but positivity and benefits coming from this. If we continue to promote, advocate and support this discovery who knows what scientists can come up with and discover in future years?

Works Cited

• http://www.nytimes.com

• http://thechangewithin.net

• http://abcnews.go.com

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