A Brief Moment Of The Life Of Angus Bethune Theme

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In the short story “A brief moment of the life of Angus Bethune” by Chris Crutcher the theme is insecurities can help find self-confidence. When this story began, Angus was very insecure about what people thought of him because of how he looked and what his name was. He would complain about his name to his stepmother that it was a cow's name and why he was named it. Apparently he was named after his father's uncle.When junior high began Angus was worried about what people would think of him that it led him to make a no kissing contract for four of his parents. His parents were confused on why he wanted them to have a contract and he replied by saying “I want to see boys kissing girls” (5). This shows that Angus just wants people not to judge his parents for who they're with and who they are. Angus would make fun of himself because he was “short-changed in the Tom Cruise department” (2). This shows that Angus shames himself because of how he looks, but the truth is he just wants to be socially accepted for who he is. …show more content…

Melissa Lefevre is Angus dream girl since he fell in love with her in kindergarten thus he decided to spend his “hard-earned money” (3) on some dance lessons. Angus never spoke to Melissa before, so the dance is his only chance to have a moment with her. Though Angus was overthinking everything that could happen at the dance, he declared to do something to have a moment with Melissa. His fears were always stopping him from doing the actions he wanted to do, but this time he's fighting the monster that made his fears

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