5 Paragraph Essay About Bud's Life

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Just imagine walking and jumping in bushes for hour's and running away from a house with a kid who's two years older than you. You can read about a boy named Bud who had to deal with that in his life. What you will be reading is how Bud felt during that rough time. At the beginning of the story Bud felt scared and nervous. On page 3 Bud says, “Jerry but it's better than being that living with a boy two years than you”. This shows Bud is nervous to meet his new family and brother. In chapter 5 it says, “Being on the lam was a whole lot of fun…..FOR ABOUT 5 MINUTES. This relates to the topic because, Bud was Scared being on the lam. Bud was scared and nervous with all the things going on in his life. In the Middle and End bud was feeling

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