2nd Amendment Fallacies Essay

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Fallacies are a part of life whether they’re seen with the naked eye or completely invisible. They are in everything we see, hear, and read. There are numerous fallacies to last a lifetime nevertheless, one sticks out to me. That is the fallacy created by Donald Trump that suggested Hillary Clinton wanted to eliminate the Second Amendment. Donald Trump is famous for logical fallacies in his recent run for president. He has thrown out accusations that weren’t true, twisted his opponent’s words, and personally attacked people. The Second Amendment gives us the right to bear arms. However, I do not believe that all people should not be afforded the right to have a gun. Gun violence results in tons of injuries and deaths around the world daily, that’s a gigantic problem. I am a gun supporter, own a gun, and I appreciate the policies that ensure I do not get shot by someone who has no good intentions while in the possession of a gun. “Between 88 and 92 people a day are killed by guns. We’re better than this. We need to close the loopholes and support universal checks” (Hillary Clinton, campaign rally in Iowa …show more content…

Hillary Clinton wants to take your guns away, and she wants to abolish the Second Amendment.” There was no evidence that reinforced this fallacy of annulling the right to bears arms. In fact, during the Democratic presidential debate in January 2008, she said “I believe in the Second Amendment. People have a right to bear arms.” Several sources claim that Donald Trump’s accusation isn’t true among other things he continues to lie about frequently to win debates. He also has made false claims that Obama was the founder of ISIS, which was also proven to be untrue according to PolitiFact, Washington post, factcheck.org, and many other sources. Clearly, he has the art of logical fallacy down to a science and he knows how to use it to stir the

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