1984 Response To George Orwell's 1984

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It’s scary to think that someday society’s government will run every aspect of one’s life. They could control the people, how they think, if they can love, when they will die, and even if they ever existed. George Orwell warned people of that possibility of that controlling government with the book ‘1984’. He used history to help show the people it’s possible for history to repeat itself. When ‘1984’ was published people had the right to be alarmed and they were. As the years go by society comes closer and closer to Orwell’s prediction, making people more aware of their government. George Orwell wrote ‘1984’ because he felt even though every year we move closer and closer to Big Brother controlling society; the process is still reversible. If the course of history doesn’t change, we will end up like the citizens in Airstrip One. Orwell created Airstrip One as a warning of a …show more content…

He mentions there was a similarity between Big Brother, Hitler, and Stalin. In the book ‘1984’, Big Brother was known for vaporizing people for many reasons, one being when people would commit a thought crime. Big Brother also trained the children at an early age to honor their government and even turn against their parents if they were to go against the government themselves. This sounds familiar to when Hitler's youth who would tell on their parents if they kept Jews in hiding from the Nazis. While Hitler was in power, and people were not the appearance they preferred, people disappeared and the records that showed they existed, simply disappeared. Just like Big Brother Stalin had secret police as well, and wanted citizens to spy on one another and tell a higher authority so those people would be sent to be killed or sent to a labor camp, just like to mention in Orwell's ‘1984’. Since people know about our horrendous history, they know it is possible to happen again making it

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