19 Minutes And Fahrenheit 451 Comparison

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Few would expect the suspense of a thriller novel and the imagination of a science fiction novel to hold many similarities. The difference in plot is obvious, however, the contrasts run deeper than the two genres simply having different plots, with the basic elements of the novels being different. Through the genre seminar, the opportunity to read phenomenal novels from both genres, Fahrenheit 451 and 19 Minutes, providing an excellent example of both the sci-fi and thriller genre. Despite both of these novels telling fascinating stories, there are distinctive aspects that separate them. The bases of the two genres are different, with the fundamentals aspects of both contrasting. The presentation and amount of information presented in both …show more content…

A key feature of all stories is a well-structured backstory. This backstory is what set up the plot of all stories, and creates more personal and believable events. Yet as stories began to separate into separate genres, the way the backstory is presented is twisted. In sci-fi, a critical amount of imagination is needed, as a major technology advances change environmental and social situations. With this imaginative world that the author creates, the reader can become blind-sided without extensive knowledge of this unfamiliar world. To compensate for this unknowingness, a more detailed backstory, an explanation is required. With Fahrenheit 451 being a prime example of the science fiction genre, it also faced the struggle of dealing with unfamiliar technology. While discussing the mechanical hound tracking machine with Faber, Guy stated: “Nose so sensitive it can remember ten thousand order indexes on ten thousand men without needed resetting!” (Bradbury 127). This ability of the hound was commonly known by society during Guy’s time, yet it was unknown to the reader. Still, this piece of information is critical to the reader's comprehension of the threat and added into the novel as background information on the hound. While sci-fi novels are required to add in further information to assists the reader, a …show more content…

As a key attribute to any novel, strong characters are critical to create a compelling story. Nothing make a character more than their viewpoint and ideas, as this is directly related to how the character behaviour. Both novels, Fahrenheit 451 and 19 minutes, along with their representative genre, are shaped by the characters they custruct. As a character faces challenges there attitude will change according to the problem. This is where the two novels diverge, as science fiction characters generally face problems with more familiarity, while in thriller novels the dilemma is often foreign. Fahrenheit 451 is a classic science fiction novel, and paved the way for many novels in the future to follow. As a fundamental science fiction book, the characters faced many problems, yet they were partially aware of the issue before it emerged. In the novel, even when faced with a threat, the characters had some prior knowledge of the hazard. A featured issue throughout the novel is the misery that many of the characters were facing. In despair Guy states “I don’t know. We have everything we need to be happy, but we aren’t happy” (Bradbury 78). Previous to the crisis of the novel, Guy had already felt unhappiness and saw it consuming those around him. As the novel progresses and this sadness became more of a featured issue, Guy was already familiar with it since he was previously exposed. Science fiction novels requires

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