12 Angry Men

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Aidan Collins 12 Men Practice Democracy “It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried.”- Winston Churchill. Emotions, bias, and many other factors of the human mind make up all the reasons that democracy can fail sometimes. One of the most democratic countries in the world, the US, has these same problems appear in its attempt at a fair and democratic legal system. For this reason, the legal system in America experiences loads of mistakes as a result of clouded judgment from the jury due to irrational reasoning. In the book, Twelve Angry Men by Reginald Rose, a boy is on trial for the alleged murder of his father. The story takes the reader through the arguments and decisions …show more content…

Juror 8 has no better reason to vote “not guilty” other than the sympathy he feels for the boy which he elaborates by saying, “Look, this boy's been kicked around all his life...He’s had a pretty terrible sixteen years.”(pg 13) While Juror 8 is pivotal in saving the boy from death, it can still be said that he exemplified prejudice in the form of reverse discrimination. The evidence was stacked against the boy, and for all anyone knew, he really could have murdered his father. By letting his emotions get in the way of the trial, Juror 8 was able to convince everyone with circumstantial evidence that the crime never took place. He ran away with his idea that the boy was innocent all because he feared submitting the final vote that sent him to the gallows. People who don’t have what it takes to handle such a serious case should not be allowed to take place in the legal process if emotions or prejudice guide their …show more content…

The idea that people are not perfect is constantly reiterated throughout the story. This holds true for certain characters that show a lack of empathy, and moral obligation to give the boy a fair trial. Whether some characters have ulterior motives or are just insensitive, their contributions to the trial only blur the lines between what and who can be trusted. As the characters enter the room, Juror 12 attempts to make small talk with Juror 8 by saying that the case,“had a lot interest for me. No Dead spots- know what I mean? I’ll tell you we were lucky to get a murder case.” (pg8) His comments show complete and utter disregard for the enormity of the job they were selected for. Juror 12 thinks of the trial as nothing more than a dramatized tv show rather than real life. The lack of maturity is stunning, but unsurprising in the world. For this reason, the legal system cannot dare uphold its character when the men who take part in it can be as dimwitted as Juror

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