1. What Challenges Do Social Work Students Face In Developing Good Documentation Skills?

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1. What challenges do social work students face in developing good documentation skills? Social work students face various challenges when it comes to developing good documentation skills. The social work student believes that the number one challenge in documentation is the lack of knowledge. Social work students do not understand the time frame in which they should document, how to take notes while engaging in conversation with the client, what is most beneficial to the client in providing the services needed and how much is enough and not enough to document. The second challenge has to do with a lack of grammar skills and usage. Most social work students are not familiar with how to correctly use commas, semicolons, periods and colons while documenting. The last challenge is the lack of comprehension skills. Some social work students do …show more content…

It is important because it gives social workers and the agency an opportunity to provide their clients with the necessary services. Lastly, it is important for legal purposes in cases where a subpoena is given to a social worker if they are being sued by their client. A specific topic discussed in chapter 3 that the social work student believes to be important when going into ones field internship is confidentiality. Confidentiality is important because one must understand completely what the guidelines are for confidentiality and the exceptions, including what is appropriate to disclose and what is not appropriate to disclose. With not understanding confidentiality while doing the field internship, the social work student can be sued or even fired for disclosing confidential information. One must also know how to secure documents and keep them away from individuals that are not documented to see them; this too can cause a

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