The Lost Generation In The Sun Also Rises By Ernest Hemingway

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Ernest Hemmingway is one of the greatest novelist in America during his life. Ernest Hemmingway was born on July, 21st 1899. Throughout his life, Hemmingway had travelled with his companions to Paris, Spain, Africa, and many other places. In Paris, Hemmingway was a foreign correspondent for the Toronto Star. On 1923, Hemmingway and his wife Hadley Richardson travelled to Spain. Then he became interested in bullfighting. In 1925, Hemmingway brought a group of American and British expatriate who later become the characters for his books. Later, he decided to write a novel bases on his experience with his friends in Paris and Spain. The novel is about a group of British and American expatriate who travel from Paris to Spain to join fiesta in Pamplona. One of the greatest book that he wrote was “Sun Also Rises”. The Sun Also Rises reflect his life on drinking, and sex and love. The theme lost generation is also mention in the novel. The lost generation is referred to people who experience World War I. It has change their perspective of the world causing doubt and fear amongst these people. Hemingway was part of the “lost generation”. He got injured during the war. He turn this experience into the novel. The war has cause people to lose their ideal, structure, nationalism. In the novel, Jake and his friends are part of the lost It has taken away his abilities to have sex. Thus, Brett refuses to live with him. Jake also mention that he loves Paris. It is the best place for him. Jake has become a simple person. His lives almost the same day every day. His plan is wake up, work, lunch, drink, go home and sleep. The war has changed him. Brett is also part of the lost generation. Her character was based on Duff Twysden, a woman who meet and flirt with Hemingway in Pamplona. During the war, Brett has lost her loved. It is a painful experience for her. Her life would change completely after the war. She represent the flapper from 1920s. She would challenge the traditional standard. She cut her hair short, smoked, and dance publicly which is not normal during 1920s. Brett also treating sex in a casual manner which is not acceptable during the time Hemingway wrote the novel. She would have sex with one man and later with another man. She becomes unattached to man. Throughout the novel, she has countless affair with different man. Hemingway has lost touch with American values while living in Paris. In Paris, drinking was part of everyday life. Hemingway spent years in Paris. So drinking is also part of his daily

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