Bulimia In America Essay

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Three percent of Americans doesn’t seem like that many, but when you look at it with people who have eating disorders it’s shocking. Ever since the thoughts on being thin came around young women couldn’t get enough on the idea. Pulling the horrifying parts of eating disorders out and making them look trendy and glamorous. Something that could’ve been an inspiration to lose weight and be healthy plummeted and made thinness seem like the necessity. The lovely motivation to be healthy turned into a ton of young girls starving themselves and dying just to be skinny (Zoltan). Young women have found urges to take on eating disorders, which caused the level of women with eating disorders to rise. The eating disorders gained new attention in 1970 after …show more content…

The rate of bulimia has been increasing in Westernized countries since 1950. It is the most common eating disorder in American, and three percent of Americans are bulimic. Of those eighty-five to ninety percent are women. The highest rate of bulimia is in college women, and it is at five to six percent (Davidson). It is uncommon for anyone under fourteen to have the disorder. Most who have bulimia know it’s a problem, but their habit is addictive so they usually are secretive about binging and purging. A positive factor is that bulimia has a much lower hospitalization rate than anorexia. Unfortunately, if bulimia is not treated the patient will die most likely from their stomach or esophagus rupturing …show more content…

It is known that people who have eating disorders come from families where they are constantly teased about their weight. The positive way of handling things will help not only with keeping young adolescents healthy, but also confidant. Another thing that can lead to these disorders is low self-esteem so if positive self-talk is advised then people don’t feel the need to stop eating (Davidson). There are pros when trying to lower the rate of young women with eating disorders. When practicing healthy and normal eating habits the family is together in working to stay healthy and not under eat or over eat, and there is not desire to want to not eat. Eating alone can cause eating habits to change since no one is watching so if everyone is together children know to eat and not just avoid it. Another pro, people who are practicing positive self-habits are happier and less likely to want to be ultra thin

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