Analysis Of To The Virgins To Make Much Of Time

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1. In “To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time” by Robert Herrick (391), the element of poetry that stands out most for me in the poem is personification. By endowing nonhuman things with characteristics of human’s power, thrive and aliveness, the author wants to encourage people to pursue their goals and take risks to reach what they want. For example, in line 3, by comparing a flower to a human being (flowers cannot smile), Herrick encourages people to enjoy their youth and do not just wait and watch life pass by and be wasted. In lines 3 to 5 in the second verse, the author personifies the sun by using the pronouns he and his, once again meaning that the sooner we fight for our goal, the sooner we will have our reward.

2. In “The Emperor of …show more content…

In “Spring and Fall” by Gerard Manley Hopkins (391?), the element of poetry that stands out most for me in the poem is connotation. Hopkins gives additional meaning to his words using this method. The author refers to a child crying over the fallen leaves from the trees, referring to her first experience and contact with death. In “Leaves, like the things of man” he compares the leaves with human troubles and although Margaret is still a child “fresh thoughts”, she cares and feel sensitive about it. Then the author says that she will get less thoughtful about these things when she becomes an adult in line 5 “…heart grows older” and line 6 “sights colder.” But finally, the author compares the mortality of the leaves to human mortality “the blight man was born for” and suggests that in reality Margaret is mourning her own death in the last line of the poem, as we are all destined to die one …show more content…

In “The Facebook Sonnet” by Sherman Alexie (304), the element of poetry that stands out most for me in the poem is sarcasm. Alexie considers the contemporary society’s fascination with social media making fun of it. For example, he starts the poem with “Welcome to the endless high school Reunion” referring to people being trapped into a nostalgic past that bring them some kind of comfort so they never want to leave. In the second stanza the author states that people forget to live the present and “undervalue” it, because we are to busy worrying about past and future. In the final lines the author says we are too committed to social media and it has become our temple “Let’s become our church” and finally when we are not connected living a lie, we are all

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