Gender Rules Essay

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1A) The eight rules of gender define the natural attitudes of our culture towards gender. I learned theses gender rules from family, friends, and social media. One specific experience that I remember is when I was ten years old and I told my mother I like girls. She went ballistic and I got grounded. She and my dad were so upset they told me girls don’t like girls that was not how things worked. Told I would go to hell if I kept having those disgusting thoughts. When I would do anything tomboyish my parents would tell me not to do that again and get grounded or smack. My Friend remembers when she went to go visit her grandfather. She was a tomboy and he didn’t like it or liked her clothes so he took her to the store to buy dresses. He told her it was not allowed to dress like a boy because she was a girl. He was so upset that her parents were allowing her to dress like a boy. Thanks to him her parents bought her new girl clothes and she was not allowed to dress like a boy or hang out with them. She said it sucked and it lasted till about high school when her parents split and stop caring how she …show more content…

Growing up I was not able to express my feeling or thoughts. Confuse on how to act according to what people expect or depending with whom you are around with. I thought I was weird because my friends didn’t like other girls and they thought it was disgusting. So I never told anyone how I truly felt until I was in high school and even then I felt embarrassed about being different. I am always making sure to act the way my friends or family expects me to. My friend said these rules impact her identity because she wasn’t sure what was appropriate or not. She had to stop being a tomboy because it was not accepted by her family. It made her grow up upset about not being able to be who she truly was. Growing up not being able to express herself made it difficult to fit into certain crowds, which made it hard to make

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