Young Adults And Peer Pressure

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Why do young adults believe that they need to rely on other young adults to make them feel accepted in society? Young adults have always had a difficult time learning how to fit into society today. Many young adults turn to other teens to make them feel popular or accepted. Peer pressure has become a huge factor in many young adult’s lives. Teens tend to turn to drugs or alcohol because all of their friends are smoking or drinking also. Peer pressure has caused many teenagers to follow the wrong path, but it has also impacted teenager’s lives in positive ways as well. Young adults experience peer pressure reflected in smoking, partying, and academic performance. Many young adults turn to smoking to feel accepted. The first problem is when many easily influenced teenagers fall into the wrong …show more content…

Peer pressure plays a huge role in the way that teens focus in school. Although peer pressure has many negative effects on young adults, it has also been proven to affect teens in a positive way as well. Many teens develop friends who influence them in a way that benefits them. One way that young adults are affected by peer pressure positively is the way they study. Teens who find friends who only want the best for them may begin to work harder in their schoolwork. For example, if a person’s friend makes great grades in school and studies outside of school, it will push that person to work even harder to improve their academic performance. Sadly, many teens do not care about academic performance at all anymore. This is when peer pressure comes into effect. A person who fails every test may befriend a person who makes all A’s. As a result, this person sees that making good grades can also be as cool as failing every test. Academic performance plays a huge part in the rest of a person’s life. Teens need to realize that improving their academic performance can also benefit the way that other teens view their

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