Drinking And Driving: The Negative Effects Of Drunk Driving

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Do you know how many people die every day in the United States due to drunk driving? If not, here is the answer, approximately twenty-eight people die because of drunk driving. There is not a day that has gone by without having an auto accident relating intoxicated drivers and no days without an ambulance running on the street with emergency lights on chasing for victims. In 2014, 1.1 million drivers were arrested for driving under the influence and 9,967 people were killed in alcohol related crashes. Alcohol slows down the activity of the person’s central nervous system, including the brain which makes them react slower and reduce concentration while driving. In order for one to drive safe, he/she has to be sober and active without any distraction. …show more content…

A person can be blurry and feel loss of vision for a couple hours after consuming alcohol, but that certainly has a negative impact while driving. First of all, it is illegal to drive while one is still under the influence anywhere in the United States. Alcohol may not only give a person short term blurriness, but also a possibility of losing vision completely. Alcohol slows down the speed of communication between the brain and the body. Once communication is slow between the body and the brain, eyes will not be able to communicate as effectively like they used to when the person was normal, which makes one have poor vision. A person who is driving while he is still drunk may not be able to focus on driving. For example, if a person is under the influence of alcohol he/she will have a hard time keeping a car on the lane and possibly end up colliding if he/she is over …show more content…

It is normal for a drunk drivers to feel blurred and dizzy due to the chemical changes in the body. Driving when drunk is always a bad idea and it 's illegal. Alcohol effects the cerebrum in the human body, which helps one to make quick judgments for the quickly changing situations. The Cerebrum slows down when alcohol is consumed by an individual person. When the speed of cerebrum is reduced it affect person ability to see and listen. Studies have shown that it takes drivers a longer time to react to something when they are drunk than sober. Intoxicated drivers cannot respond to the immediate situation of sudden brakes. They take a longer time to make decisions than a sober

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