The Effects of Caffeine

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The Effects of Caffeine

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Caffeine has played a central role in many cultures. Coffee was first

discovered over 1000 years ago, and approximately 75% of Americans

drink coffee on a regular basis. Despite the thousand years that have

passed, there is still controversy surrounding the biological effects

of coffee and it's primary active ingredient, caffeine. Caffeine is

the most widely used stimulant drug in the world, usually ingested in

the form of coffee, tea, soft-drinks, and chocolate. (Honig) Caffeine

is derived from a bean or from tea leaves and can be found in the

seeds or fruits of more then 60 species worldwide.(American Academy)

Caffeine has numerous effects and it is disputed whether caffeine is

overall beneficial or harmful.

Caffeine is a naturally occurring xanthine (precursor to uric acid

often found in urine) used as a central nervous system (CNS) and

respiratory stimulant, or as a mild diuretic. Other xanthine

derivatives include the bronchodilator theophylline and theobromine, a

compound found in cocoa and chocolate. Caffeine is a mild, but direct

stimulant at all levels of the CNS that quickens the heart and

cardiovascular system as well. The related xanthine, theophylline,

share these characteristics and are used in the treatment of pulmonary

disease. Both caffeine and theophylline are CNS stimulants, with

theophylline exerting more dramatic effects than caffeine at higher

concentrations. Caffeine also stimulates the medullary respiratory

center and relaxes bronchial smooth muscle. Caffeine stimulate...

... middle of paper ...

...defects, asthma, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, autoimmune

disease and rheumatoid arthritis.(James)

Many studies have suggested a relationship between chronic caffeine

use and a number of diseases. However, the cause-and-effect evidence

is difficult to prove because of lifestyle variables among the

subjects in the studies (eg. smoking, alcohol consumption, exercise),

differences in genetic inheritance, form of caffeine intake (coffee,

tea, sodas), and the presence of other biologically active substances

in the beverage. (Brice) The consumption of caffeine does have side

effects, some negative and some positive, but it is clear that when

taken in moderation caffeine is never adverse to ones health. However,

caffeine consumers should be aware of withdrawal and keep themselves

up to date on the latest caffeine research.

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