The Importance Of The Corrective Action Process

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Quality is defined as a process that measures the requirements of the satisfaction pertaining to the end product, it can be measured as integrity, customer satisfaction and on a personal level of satisfaction, as well as identify if a process or procedure is working within its control limits. Quality, typically identified and perceived as a nonvalue added process simply because in a perfect world were all processes are built and constructed, the design already includes the quality within the process, solely the end customer is not willing to pay extra money for a quality issue, their expectations are when they purchase a product it is a quality product. So when the process is out of control we risk the chance of a high level of customer dissatisfaction …show more content…

In order to help us identify these areas, we have the ability to utilize many quality tools such as Root Cause Analysis, DMAIC, process flows and mapping, etc. These tools, when correctly employed help us to identify the areas of concern and make necessary corrections to fix the process (nonconformance) and finally place controls within the process to help relieve the concerns going forward. The root cause analysis is a component of the preventative action process where necessary steps has been taken to keep the nonconformance from reoccurring again by employing processes and procedures to build defenses for future prevention (Westcott, 2005). As further noted by Bravener (1999) “to achieve this level of perfect compliance requires that corrective and preventive actions should be implemented everywhere deficiencies exist.” The successful completion of these corrective and preventive actions will bring about perfect compliance.” (Bravener, …show more content…

According to the American Society for Quality (ASQ), and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9000 published in 1987 the QMS consists of principals that are used as guidelines to ensure customer satisfaction and continuous quality improvement throughout the manufacturing industry (ASQ 2016). The main objective of ISO 9000 is to execute a management system throughout the organization in order to increase efficiency, reduce excessive costs, and distribute processes that promotes good

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