The Importance Of Community College Education?

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Community college students aren’t benefitting from this formula because the split is drastic. Even though the formula was established to dispense a minimum annual fund it did not create a fair distribution of money. As Ould said, “the way government funds schools is a mess” (13). Not enough money is going into classrooms in order to measure up to the demand of classes. Tuition fees have also increased so that colleges could get themselves more money. Community colleges have suffered most when there is a decrease in per student funding, “ there is no question it negatively impacts the quality of a community college educational experience as seen in longer lines, larger class sizes, fewer course offerings, and less services provided” (6). A …show more content…

Instead of encouraging students to be successful, “the United States was one of the first countries to move away from public provision of higher education by increasing the enrollment fees to attend university” (Ortiz 710). Students are left either in debt for many years after their education or worse cease to continue their education due to tuition and enrollment fees. Financial aid is crucial to a young adult. However with budget cuts the amount of financial aid distributed still leaves students in debt for years. Why are students being punished to further their education when an education is the only way to get higher paying jobs? An education contributes to low unemployment rates which only benefit the state yet the state feels it would be best to increase all expenses to …show more content…

An increase in taxes specifically designed to fund school would erase many of the problems the community college system and K-12 system faces. The state’s low income population would greatly benefit from this as they will then be able to afford a proper education. A few cents or dollars from tax payers to a great cause like education would also help stimulate the economy. The educational system needs more money, “favorable state economic conditions such as low unemployment rates and high gross state product, for example, have been found to be associated with increased higher education spending” (Ness 337). Budget deficits will only hurt the economy as higher ranking jobs will not be available and students without a college education will be force to compete for minimum wage jobs. Since the state refuses to raise government taxes it has left the state in a position where the only option is to make cuts in certain necessary programs to balance the

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