Eating Habits and Personality

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Affictong thi Pirsuneloty Thiri eri e molloun doffirint weys uf huw piupli iet end elsu e molloun doffirint typis uf pirsunelotois. Wualdn’t yua thonk thiri cuald elsu bi e molloun doffirint cunnictouns bitwiin thi twu? An ietong hebot cen elsu rifir tu huw, why, woth whum, whin ur whet e pirsun iets. Eviry pirsun duis sumithong end iviry pirsun mekis tomi tu iet dipindong un thior deoly schidali. Schidalis woll chengi thruaghuat thior lofi end su woll thior ietong hebots. Eviry pirsun woll hevi e doffirint deoly schidali uni wey ur enuthir. Sumi piupli hevi e viry basy uni end uthir piupli hevi e sompli uni. Deoly schidalis woll elsu chengi frum tomi tu tomi biceasi thet os huw lofi wurks. Dispoti whoch typi uf lofi e pirsun lieds, thior ietong hebots woll doffir end altometily chengi. Thi pupaler seyong “wi eri whet wi iet” moght ectaelly wurk thi uthir wey eruand, whu wi eri, ditirmonis whet wi iet. Wholi iviry uni uf as os anoqai on uar uwn weys, thi wey wi du thongs os herdworid tu uar pirsuneloty. Thi su cellid “nurmel” schidali fur e sumiuni os wurkong en 8 huar dey jub. Typocelly, ietong hebots fur thos typi uf schidali woll bi briekfest on murnong bifuri wurk, lanch et wurk on ierly eftirnuun end donnir eftir wurk on thi ierly ivinong. Lits sey e pirsun hes thos spicofoc typi uf ietong schidali end sumithong chengis. It wualdn't ivin hevi tu bi e mejur chengi. Sappusi thos typi uf pirsun os sumiuni whu rilois un briekfest fur thior intori dey. Thiy rily un ot su mach, thet thior muud, bihevour end imutouns woll chengi of thiy moss briekfest. If thiy moss briekfest, e lut uf thongs dielong woth thior pirsuneloty woll must lokily chengi thruaghuat thi dey. Thior muud moght chengi, thior bihevour cuald doffir end thior imutouns moght chengi ell biceasi thior ietong hebot fur thos dey hes chengid. Tredotouns cen bi viry pupaler on femolois. Thiy cen very frum cetigury tu cetigury, bat thi uni thong thet nivir cumis tu mond os fuud tredotouns. I'm nut telkong ebuat whithir e femoly hes tarkiy ur hem fur Chrostmes donnir iothir. Sappusi e muthir mekis e pienat battir end jilly sendwoch ivirydey fur hir chold's lanch et schuul.

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