Binge Eating Essay

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Binge eating is a disorder characterized by periods of “binging.” People who are affected by binge-eating disorder, usually have binging episodes. Binging episodes are periods of when the person eats an amount of food far greater than a normal person would in the same amount of time. During these episodes, the person feels as if they have no control over how much they are eating. While binge eating is similar in many respects to another eating disorders called bulimia nervosa, particularly with respect to the amount of food eaten and the sense of loss of control experienced during the binge, they differ because binge eating disorder is not driven by thinness, and binge episodes of binge eating disorder are not followed by purging methods such as laxatives and throwing up (Comer, 2015).
Binge eating, the consumption of an objectively large …show more content…

The EAT and EDE-Q are self-reported questionnaires. The EAT is one of the most widely used standardized self-report measure of symptoms and concerns characteristic of eating disorders. EAT is a 26-item standardized self-reporting test on measure of symptoms and concerns for characteristic of eating disorders. However, The EAT has a low positive predictive rate because of denial and because eating disorders are not socially desirable. The EDE-Q is also widely used and is also available in many languages. The current version is EDE-Q 6.0. It examines the behaviors associated with eating disorders over a four-week period. There are four subcategories: restraint, eating concern, weight concern, and shape concern. The patient is asked to rank, based on a zero to six scale, how often the behavior occurs, with zero meaning not at all, one to two meaning slightly, three to four meaning moderately, and five to six meaning markedly (Mond et al.

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