Disadvantages Of Cell Phones On Teenagers Essay

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The Disadvantages of Cell Phones on Teenagers I remember a classmate when I was in high school because he never talked to anybody. He spent most of his time on his cell phone or using his tablet, and he did not do well in school. He was different than my other classmates and I believe that he never felt comfortable in the classroom. Everybody knows that cell phones have changed peoples’ life dramatically. Cell phones are one of the most revolutionary advances in the last decades because they make things simpler and easier but cell phones have a strong impact on teenagers. Teenagers are in one of the most important phase in their lives because they are exploring the world and developing their capacities. I believe that cell phones have more negative than positives effects on teenagers for many reasons. Cell phones reduce space to …show more content…

My sister is fifteen years old and she is always on her cell phone. This situation bothers my parents some times because when we are together as a family she does not care and she uses her cell phone. From my point of view, cell phones cause addiction on teenagers because they want to know what is happening in this virtual world receiving messages, pictures or videos all the time. Addiction is a tremendous problem for teenagers because they cannot control it and it gets over time. The addiction of cell phone on teenagers could be for different applications including games applications, social medias applications or pictures applications. To add, cell phones addiction change teenager’s behavior because they become more aggressive and impatient. If someone distracts them, they can react aggressive instantly because they just want to play in their cell phones. These changes in their behavior alter their environment such as school, family, and friends. Cell phones create addiction in teenagers that must be treated with a doctor as a disease before it has more severe

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