Designer Babies

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Within the last 100 years or so scientists have many valuable discoveries that have benefited mankind. These discoveries include the discovery of genes. Scientists have discovered what makes humans so unique from one another. However, with this newly gained knowledge of the function of genes comes the ability to alter or change them. Just imagine in the not so near future, you and your partner want to start a family together. You travel to your local gene councillor to pick the physical and characteristic traits of your child. That’s right. With the knowledge that has been gained about genes, scientists can “create” the perfect child genetically. The thought is scary. Nature has always taken us down the right path but are we really ready to take control? Do we really know enough? Can we handle the consequences?

The term that is used for genetically enhanced people is “Designer Babies”. The Oxford dictionary defines it as “a baby whose genetic makeup has been artificially selected by genetic engineering combined with in vitro fertilization to ensure the presence or absence of particular genes or characteristics.”. Basically an embryo is created through In Vitro Fertilization and then genetics engineers alter the DNA of the embryo. Genetic engineering has been around for hundreds of years. Farmers would only use the seeds of his best crop to grow the following year and he would only breed his best animals. This has evolved to changing the genes of the plant to be resistant to diseases and pests. Genetic modification has also been used to treat genetic diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis. This is known as Gene therapy. But there is a fine line between gene therapy and genetic enhancement. Often this line has been blurred and many...

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...g of a fair go but if people are allowed to genetically enhance their children then they are robbing us of it. Don’t support genetic enhancement. It will only hinder our advancement.

Works Cited

1. Institute of Biological Sciences. (n.d.). Designer Babies: Ethical Considerations (ActionBioscience). ActionBioscience - promoting bioscience literacy. Retrieved July 8, 2010, from

2. Bionet. (n.d.). Rights and Wrongs. Bionet - New discoveries in life sciences - Explore the science and debate the issues. Retrieved July 8, 2010, from

3. Darnovsky, Â. (n.d.). CGSÂ :Â The Case Against Designer Babies. CGSÂ :Â Center for Genetics and Society. Retrieved July 8, 2010, from

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